Saturday, September 15, 2018

Friends, Music and Pizza

The weather here continues to be very crazy. We had several days with temps in the 90's and then on Friday the remnants of Hurricane Gordon arrived with expected rainfall of three to five inches. It fell nonstop until Monday afternoon with a total rainfall of almost ten inches. Many local streams were over their banks closing several area roads. We did not venture out all weekend. 
On the Sunday prior to the rain storm we went to the Washington Jazz Society Jazz Brunch at the President's Pub. This Sunday had a great trio led by drummer David Throckmorton who has played with several bands around the world.
David is another Washington High School alumni. While I had nothing to do with the music department, we sure are proud of the many great musicians that came out of the district.
Always at the top of our to do list when we are in WashPA is having John's wonderful wood fired pizza. He has mastered his back yard oven and invited the teachers' lunch bunch for pizza.
Look what John bought me, some Sweet-n-Hot Jag Off Sauce. It's a Burgh thing and I can't wait to try it.
Phil, Linda, Nanc and Ed waiting for the pizza.
Gail, Karen and Georgie.
Bill and Chuck with Phil in the background.
Ron, Donna and John. He does get to take a break.
Carmella and Joey.
Charlie and Ed.
Joy and Kim.
The lunch bunch looks very satisfied.
After the pizza John had another special treat, huge marshmallows done in the 700 degree oven.
They were a big hit with Becky........
.....and Gail. 
Also always high on our to do list is to visit our old neighbor, Dorothy. We always called her our second mom since she "tried" to keep us in line. She just turned 95 and is still going strong and is sharp as a tack.  
More music at Al' an Rubens with the Dan Baker Group. If you want great food and music check them out some time.
Georgie, Jim and Nanc after a great meal and an evening of great music.
Evidence that the recent rain caused many problems. They needed to reinforce the bank here at Pine Cove where it washed out last week.

Tomorrow we are flying to New Orleans for the Betty's RV Park 20th anniversary cruise. We are looking forward to a fun time while hoping we avoid all the tropical storms in the Caribbean.  Here's to calm seas and blue skies! 

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