As I write this we have sat through eight severe weather warnings including heavy rain, flooding, thunderstorms and a tornado in the area. We survived those warnings and, except for a lot of water everywhere, all is well but this is the second year in a row that most of the Saturday Mardi Gras activities have been cancelled. Oh well, into every life a little rain must fall and Southern Louisiana does need the rain. It's a good thing it doesn't snow here. After Betty's induction last Saturday we got started with the Mardi Gras events and to just have a general good time.

One way that Betty's is different from other parks is that when someone leaves after being here for a while we all gather to say good-bye. In this case everyone lined up not only to say their good-byes but also to see if Jay could get his big (65' + 7') rig out of his site. After hugs all around he was able to get it out with only one person having to close their slide.

Not every day here is filled with fun and games. One day when he was bored, Marvin decided he would show some Yankees how the Cajuns go crawfishing. He dipped his line down a mudbug hole and, as you can see, he was able to land a big one.

We went to Breaux Bridge to have dinner at the Cafe des Amis with Valerie and Richard. We first met them at RV Boot Camp in 07 and have crossed paths several times in our travels. Richard is finishing up a project he has been working on in Baton Rouge so they will be on the road again soon. We had a great evening getting caught up.

Our first Mardi Gras parade was in Scott and as happened last year they were very generous with the beads. This is a great parade as you can get up close to the floats. Here are Nanc, Bob, Judy and Cookie begging for more beads.

Left to right; Linda, Cookie, Jim G, Lynn, Richard, Vickie, Jay and Lori all had a great time and collected a lot of beads.

Marie showing off her booty.

Let the beading begin.

Another evening 21 people from Betty's went back to Big John's for more mudbugs. As you can see we all got our fill.

This was the first time Joycelyne and Gervias had eaten crawfish and they loved them.

Claudia, Eddie, Joycelyne, Gervais, Nanc and Marie preparing thier dipping sauce while they wait for their bugs.

One thing we really love when we come to Betty's is the music and one of our favorites is when Judy Bailey comes to the park and plays. This year she was accompied by Gerald (left) and Dave. Everyone packed into Betty's Louisiana Room for a great evening of fun, food, great music and dancing.

Joycelyne and Eddie doing the two step.

Judy brought a real smile to Tennessee fan Wendell's face when she played Rocky Top.

Betty's neice Monica joined the band and did a great job with a couple of songs.

After a couple of beverages even I got on the dance floor. It was another wonderful evening of fun at Betty's.
Great photos, Jim. Thanks for bringing back memories of being at Betty's last year. Enjoy.
Looks like you two are having such a great time!! Keep it up!
More beads, just like rock you can never have enough!
Great photos and love the one of you two dancing! Thanks for sharing with us!
Hugs to both of you and one to Betty, too!
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