We have been in Gillette, Wyoming for the 51st Escapade where we are serving on the staff for the first time. We arrived early to help get things ready and stayed through Labor Day weekend just to kick back for a few days. We always have a great time when we get together with our Escapee friends and it was great being part of the crew that helped to put on a fun, informative event for almost 1300 SKPs. There is something for everyone including seminars, socials, entertainment, crafts, bingo and more food than you can imagine.

Top right is the first staff meeting. It really does take a group effort to pull the whole thing off. Bottom is Lanny Swanson, who got us to volunteer and assist with the morning coffee and donuts the last time we were in Gillette for the rally. Here we were all packing the welcome bags for the attendees. All positions are filled by volunteers.

One of the pamphlets in the packet was about Northeastern Wyoming's Severe Summer Weather and as you can see we had a chance to experience some of it. We had a little rain, some hail, lots of wind but also abundant sunshine. I think we had three seasons with temps ranging from near 100 down to the low 40's. All that said the weather did not interfere with any of the planned activities.

At most SKP events we always get together with our Class of 07 mates and welcome new adoptees into our group. Top left are this years adoptees, including Jim & Cookie Grigware (right in group picture), who we know from Betty's in Abbeville. Center are Wanda & Wallace Lewis who are the first SKPs to give us a hug when we arrived at RV Boot Camp in Goshen in 2007. They are assistant directors this year. Right are Bob & Molly Pinner whom we met at that Boot Camp and who are the directors for this Escapade. Left center are Keith & Donna Green who were market hosts for all the vendors. Bottom left are Joe & Marcia Jones who were in charge of bingo. Center are Leland & Cathy Schleip who were part of the awesome parking crew that got all the rigs safely in place. Right are Mark & Renita Brackin who were on the sound crew and also hosted a great star party. The 07 gang played a big role at this year's rally.

Nanc talking to SKPs at the First Timer's Happy Hour we hosted along with other 07 mates, Joe & Marcia, Mark & Renita, Keith & Donna and Rich & Mary. This was the first time they have done a social for "newbees" and it was a big success with over 170 attendees.

SKP's are all about helping others and here Nanc lends a hand with the Sew Much Comfort group. They modify clothing for wounded soldiers. Another group of knitters made several hundred newborn baby caps for the local hospital.

Here we are doing our main jobs. Nanc had an exercise class every morning at 7:45 and I served as a seminar host for seven seminars throughout the week.

SKP's know how to have a fun time and there is a lot of talent in the group. One evening at the Ham-O-Rama several people entertained. As you can see they were almost all very good and only one person, the MC Mark Nemeth got the hook.

Many people stayed through the weekend as fulltimers usually prefer not to be on the road for holidays. We packed a lot of fun into those extra days. We had happy hours, a potluck, played games and ended the weekend with a surprise party for Marcia who will turning the BIG 50 this month. There were many gifts that are very appropriate for someone of that advanced age. On Tuesday morning the last of the rigs were hitched up and hitting the road. Many hugs were exchanged and plans made to see ya down the road. Safe travels to all.
Great post, Jim. Thanks for making us feel we were part of Escapade. Class of 2007 did themselves proud with all the help you provided Molly and Bob.
Enjoyed meeting y'all and being adopted by the Class of 2007. See ya down the road.
Stay Safe
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