No, we have not fallen off the edge of the Earth. We have been in WashPA for two weeks and most of the stay has been filled with meeting and eating with friends and family. Most of our doctors' appointments were taken care of in the spring so this visit was all about family, friends, food and fun. We supported many of our favorite local restaurants and generally just relaxed.

Our first night back we had dinner with Rick & Denise and Marlene & John Antonetti. Marlene and John both celebrated birthdays in August and after a great meal we went to Rick's & Denise's for cake and ice cream. John did not want anyone to know it was his &)th birthday but I could not resist.

The Western PA weather was perfect for convertibles and Jack & Marylou took advantage and visited us to show off this great classic Mustang.

We also did a couple of the retired teachers luncheons. This one was extra special as it was our old working colleagues first day back in the classroom.

WOW, another convertible! Diane picked up Nanc for a "girl's" day out cruising around in this beauty.

This is Dave Hammond's Steeler room. The Black & Gold decor is really popular here.

On Labor Day we had a picnic at Tim's & Di's with many friends.
Bottom left; Mike & Judy Campsey, Tom Ridge, and Jim.
Center; Doc
Bottom right; Sherri Sharp and Diane Jones, dressed as twins.
Top left; Tim Jones the grill master.
Top right; Jack Underwood, Georgie Goff-Ridge, Nanc, Gail Ciallelli and Marylou Underwood.
It was a grand time with much food. Some of us enjoyed a dip in their pool. Mike & Judy shared there pictures and stories about their summer trip to Alaska. Seeing and hearing about it really makes it a must do for us.
1 comment:
The retired teachers luncheon, I have successfully avoided mine so far!
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