We drove to Goshen Indiana for the 50th Escapade, a large RV rally that is geared to fulltimers, and is put on by the
Escapees RV Club. This is our third Escapade and they do become more about seeing friends and less about going to seminars, though we did attend a few informative sessions. Of the RVing groups we belong to we have gotten the most service from Escapees, starting with Boot Camp in 2007 our first year on the road. We have also stayed in several of their RV parks in the south and out west.

We parked by our good friends Richard & Valerie Frayer whom we have met up with several times on the road after first meeting them at RV Boot Camp here in Goshen in 2007. A couple of weeks ago we received an email from their daughter Marissa, who lives in Sweden, asking us if we would be part of an international conspiracy to deliver gifts from their three girls for their 40th anniversary. Of course we jumped at the chance to be part of this surprise and had two packages delivered to us at the rally. One gift was a fruit basket and the other was a very heavy bucket of gems that were buried in sand so they had to do a little prospecting to find the rocks. They were like a couple of kids as they searched for the precious gems. We are looking forward to seeing how Val will use them in the beautiful jewelery she makes.

The opening ceremony of the Escapade. Nearly 1600 were in attendance. These events give us a chance to catch up with our RVing friends. We saw Mike & Loretta, Jeff & Pat, Lanny & Lois and others whom we have met along the way. It is a great little community of like minded people who understand the lifestyle and don't think we are crazy for living in a house on wheels.

We had a happy hour potluck with members of the class of 07. Here is Nanc, Richard, Melissa & Larry Beahm, Dave & Kathy (hidden) Bennett, Marty and Valerie. We have met all of these people on the road at other stops. Melissa & Larry are entertainers who travel the country putting on shows at RV rallies and parks as the group
One More Time. Sorry I did not get a pic of Bob & Mollie Pinner, 07 mates who will be the coordinators for next year's Escapade in Gillette, Wyoming.

One thing that makes the Escapade work is people volunteering. At the last Escapade we did morning coffee and this year we worked security at the gate making sure only registered participants came into the fairgrounds. Volunteering also lets us meet more people.

Aerial pic of the 800 rigs at the rally. Ours is the one with the white roof. Actually we are the first rig in the second row in the infield of the track. That is me waving.

We did attend a few seminars including a very informative session on purchasing a kayak. Nanc loved the fit of this one. We did sessions on RV renovation, electric systems, digital cameras and traveling to Alaska. We also spent some money on a few things we needed to fix and update. The Escapade is always a great fun time to meet friends and learn more about everything RVing.