As we have traveled the highways and byways of Texas we have come across many unusual things that we have not documented in other blog entries. Here are just a few pictures of things we have seen as we have driven over 2000 miles of Texas roads.

You see miles and miles of long straight road, many utility poles, desert, plains and mountains.

These windmills are the best representation we could find of the WIND that constantly blows. By the way, for some reason there is NEVER a tail wind. It is always a strong head or crosswind no matter what direction you are traveling.

While there are snakes in many places, in Texas they must warn you about them at the rest stops---SCARY!!!

We had to stop at least six times for Border Patrol checkpoints as we traveled within a 100 miles of Mexico. We are glad to see they are doing their job and in answer to the standard question, "Yes we are American citizens."

Sometimes you find a business opportunity for a friend. Molly you will only need to put your name on the place and you can start selling those culinary delights you bake.

This was a first. We had to follow a bike race out of Fort Davis. It was part of the Hammerfest, a weekend long event that we watched on Saturday. One of the races was UP to the McDonald Observatory, the highest road in Texas.

We could see this balloon for miles before we came upon the entrance to the US Air Force Tethered Aerostat Radar Site that looks for low flying planes along the border.

We went to see the Marfa Mystery Lights a natural phenomenon that occurs at dusk. While we did see small bright spots in the distance, as one of the locals told us, "It's not something that will make you change your life." This pic shows what most people claim they see. An astronomer at the McDonald Observatory told us he believes the lights are a kind of mirage. You will have to stop at the special viewing area and experience it for yourself.

The last thing you would expect to find on a stretch of road where you are warned "No services for 75 miles" is a Prada store, but here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, we did not stop to shop, the parking lot was way to small.
Nice post! It brought back our memories of crossing Texas! I like the story style.
Molly will have to move to Texas.
The Balloon is a tethered blimp used to watch the boarders. They have one at Ft Huachuca AZ too, we used it as a guide while spending time in AZ.
Hi ya'll..where bouts are you now? We're in Carlsbad heading toward The Rally in Albuquerque.
Deb and Gary
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