We are now in Moab, Utah at the Moab Rim Campark and we have moved quickly from Spring to Summer with temperatures in the high 90's even as we look at snow capped mountains. The drive here took us through another different looking landscape with dry badlands and green irrigated fields. On the drive we also had our first $500+ fillup with fuel costing $4.50 a gallon, $.50 more than we paid three weeks ago. I hope this "appeases" the Middle East oil producers. Moab is a big outdoorsy town with a lot of tourist activities and many businesses to serve them, including the first real grocery store we have seen in Utah. There are trips on the Colorado River, more jeeps than we have ever seen in one place for 4x4ing and it is a great bicycling area. There are also two national parks, a state park and more of that big wide open Western scenery. We took a 30 mile bike ride along the banks of the Colorado which was very muddy, not clear like it was below the Glen Canyon Dam. We drove into the mountains to enjoy the scenery and escape the heat with temperatures being 20 degrees cooler in the high country. When eating out one night we ran into Utah's unusual liquor laws. While waiting for a table at the Moab Brewery I had a beer but Nanc could not drink a glass of wine at the bar. She had to wait until we were seated in the dining room less than five feet away. There really aren't any bars in Utah, you must be eating to have a drink. Though there is some humor about booze in Utah, a local brewery makes Polygamy Porter and the label reads "Why just have one" and "Bring some home for the wives."
10 Beautiful Hours
2 hours ago
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