We are now near Jupiter, Florida at Jonathan Dickinson State Park. The park is only a few miles from our friends, Jack and Mary Lou, with whom we will be spending Christmas. They have been wonderful hosts and tour guides taking us to many sites in the area and just generally showing us around. We have gone out to dinner several times. It is nice to know for sure that the place will be good rather than the usual hit or miss tactic of dining out in a strange place. Their condo here is located directly across the road from the ocean and is really beautiful. We went to Loggerhead Park where a conservancy group nurses injured and ill turtles back to health. It was neat to be able to get this close to them. Several were ill from the red tide, a coral bloom that kills many ocean dwelling creatures. One had been caught in a fisherman's net and had lost a flipper. Another, Jonah, was found in a cooler where a fisherman was putting his catch. When he looked in the cooler one of the fish, which had eaten Jonah, had thrown him up. He has survived for two years and will be released into the wild when he is big enough. Nanc and Mary Lou attended the play, "The Boyfriend," one afternoon while Jack and I enjoyed some guy time together. We went to the Flagler Museum in Palm Beach to see how the other half lives. Henry Flagler, a founder of Standard Oil, is given credit for developing South Florida by building several hotels and a railroad all the way to Key West. The museum is his former winter home where he only stayed eight weeks a year. His private rail car (one of the first RVs) is on display. We walked along Worth Avenue exploring the shops (Tiffany's, Coach Cartier & many others). The street had something for everyone. We liked the area so much we looked at a real estate magazine and found a nice "little" ocean front 61,000 square foot home for only $123,000,000. We are looking for a few partners in this venture. Anyone interested??
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