On Thursday we crossed Pamlico Sound from Ocracoke to Cedar Island on a 2.5 hour ferry ride with 40 mph winds and 6 to 8 foot waves. It was so windy we had to be very careful even opening the door of the motor home which was travelling backwards. For most of the trip the ferry was heading into the wind and waves so there was not a lot of motion. For the last half hour the boat turned and sailed across the waves. This caused it to roll back and forth quite a bit. Looking out the door window from the drivers seat the horizon would disappear both above and below the window. We were very happy to get into the harbor. On the drive after landing I had the signal I have been waiting for to show I am officially retired, we had to stop the motor home for a school bus. We are going to spend the weekend with Brian & Lori Sharp and Mike & Sherri are going to be there. We are looking forward to getting together with all of them.
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