We are now in a small campground 1.5 miles outside Watkins Glen, NY. We are the only people here. We arrived on Tuesday and after setting up we went grocery shopping at the P&C. We are beginning our personal collection of grocery discount cards. On Wednesday we walked around town and along Seneca Lake. We decided to stop at a brewpub for a snack (our first restaurant since leaving) and as we crossed the street we saw Ray & Sharon Thistlethwaite standing in front of the place. They had left PA the same day we did and have been touring the finger lakes. After lunch together Nanc & I walked the gorge in Watkins Glen State Park. It is about a three mile round trip and the scenery was spectacular. Even though it was in the 90's it was nice and cool in the gorge. This morning we walked about 5.5 miles through the state park. This afternoon we went to a laundromat and did about five loads of laundry. We have a washer/dryer in the motor home but you must be hooked up to sewers to used it and the loads are very small. We need to change the way we do laundry and do a bit every day when we have full hook-ups. The road the campground is on was part of the original Grand Prix course when the first road race was run here after WWII. The last photo shows the start finish line.
10 Beautiful Hours
1 hour ago
We walked the Watkins Glen gorge when we were there many years ago. It was really beautiful. Sounds like you are enjoying your new lifestyle and getting the hang of it all. We are heading to mid-Ohio to Jack's cousin's this weekend. They are having a family cookout. Then to south of Columbus to another cousin's whose daughter and granddaughter are visiting from Germany. Just want you to know that someone is looking at your blog.
One more thing...we went ot the Grill tonight and looked for you and the Ridges just out of habit. Neither of you are in town. Oh well.
Just got to this site for the first time. Patrice and I got back from N.C. late Wednesday Night. We spent 2 days at pipestem and the rest of the time at Jason's. Saw the Olympic training center for white water rafting in Charlotte. Road horses for 2 hours at pipe stem and were full time baby sitters on Monday and Tuesday for Caroline. It only took us 12 hours to get home, Made a few stops on the way. Keep posting your news, I will be checking now that I found the site.
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