Well, we received the call on Friday, 7/6, that our motor home was done and ready for pick-up so we headed to Indiana. We are now at the Newmar manufacturer and the motor home looks great. We have gotten things squared away and should be home on Friday.
10 Beautiful Hours
2 hours ago
Glad to see you are finally on the road. Bill and I are planning a trip...we may be going to Branson with a couple of other friends. Making plans now.
Bill put a new roof over the kitchen on the other side and pulled a muscle in his groin. Oooo!
Scott moved all his stuff out of here and into his new house in Colliers. UGH! We have rented the other side of the house. Yea! extra income.
Still searching for a home for this winter in Fla. I will check in with you often.
Your web page is great.
Love You
Hey Jim and Nanc,
I am so happy (and envious) that you guys are finally on the road. Retirement sounds awesome!!!!It was a little sad to see your goodbyes, though.
Keith and I are staying busy working around the house. No vacations for us this year. We are doing lots of day trips on the bike. We went on one a few weeks ago that was almost 300 miles. My rear is still sore from that one. Keith ordered us some gel pads for our seats after that. Hopefully that will help on our next ride. We are planning to go to a little town outside of Richmond.
I look forward to reading more about your adventures on the road. Take care and drive safe.
Love you, Keith and Mike
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