The good times here at Betty's continue with another week of lots of music and more fun times. We went to listen to music at five different places in four days. It included country, Cajun and swamp pop and it was ALL fun.

I talked about the Betty's shuffle and how people get caught in her web. Many, many times people extend there planned stay and many, many times people return for another visit. This has sure happened to us as we have been here for a total of six months during our five years on the road and this will be the first time we have stayed in the same site for our entire visit. Above left are Gervais and Joycelyn who left on March 5 and returned without reservations last Friday for a few more days. Of course, they had to shuffle to stay as Betty had most sites reserved. At the right are Buzz and Sandra who were here earlier and made a reservation to return on Friday because they knew what a big fun week was planned. Welcome to Betty's web.

The musical week started with Judy Bailey and the band whom we saw twice. Here are Joe, Kristi, Judy and Dave whom we went to listen to at Cullpepper's on Tuesday and at Touchet's on Friday.

Here are a few people from Betty's on Tuesday night. Top are John, Don, Kathy, Stella Marvin, Carol and Tom. Bottom are Cookie, Merlene, Dan, Jim, Peggy and Paul enjoying the music.

A few more RVers at Cullpepper's and Touchet's. Top left are Sandra and Buzz who were celebrating his birthday. Middle are Lou and Lorraine who tried to find a different place to dance every day. Top right Betty and Nanc are cutting the rug. Bottom are Dave and Sarah and Cal and Marie listening to the tunes.

Here are a few of the people from the park who on Thursday went to Sounds in the Square in Abbeville to hear the Don Rich Band, a great group that played a lot of different types of music. Don's sister is Liz the Gator Queen and he sang the song he wrote about her gator hunting adventures. Betty roped herself a cowboy on the dance floor.

On Saturday we did a road trip Mamou and Eunice for some more Cajun music and culture. Our first stop was Fred's Lounge where they have been having Saturday morning music for 65 years. Today Fred's is only open from 8 to 2 on Saturday for the music.

The band this week, Johnny Sonnier and Cajun Heritage, had the place absolutely rockin.
Here is a link to hear a bit of this great band.

Left is Fred who bought the lounge in 1946. Right is Tante Sue, today's hostess. She was passing out boudin so the tourists could get a taste of Cajun culture. For the last 50 years the Saturday morning session has been broadcast live on KVPI - Voice of the Cajun Country.

The minute we stepped through the door Nanc was asked to dance while I signed the guest book. Center is KVPI's Mark Layne who does the live show in French. Even though we could not understand a word it was wonderful. Right, Tante Sue on the dance floor. Fred's is all about having a fun time.

Here are Jim, Nanc, Merlene and Dan having a fun time with our 10AM Bloody Marys.
The old sign at Fred's may say it all.
Please Do Not
Stand on the Tables, Chairs
Cigarette Machine, Booths
and Juke - Box!
Thank You. Fred
Laissez les bon temps rouler!

From Mamou we went to the
Prairie Acadian Cultural Center in Eunice. The center, part of the
Jean Lafitte National Historical Park, has an excellent display covering the influence of the Cajun people on Southern Louisiana. Above is an old Cajun fiddle made from a wooden cigar box. On Saturday afternoons they have a jam session that includes a bit of history about the music and each of the instruments. Audience participation was strongly encouraged with people playing the spoons and triangles to accompany the band. After a long day we passed on another music event on Saturday evening at the Liberty Center.

Also in Eunice is the
Cajun Music Hall of Fame & Museum. This local museum is to honor those individuals who contributed to the Cajun music culture. One of the honorees was Grammy nominee D.L. Menard whom we met last year. Here is Nanc checking out the Hall of Fame.

Among the items in the museum is a French Cajun CD that was carried into space aboard the shuttle Atlantis. A old squeeze box and the parts of the fiddle before it was put together.

It was time for a new computer before we head North to Alaska as our old one, just like its owner, was using up most of its memory. This purchase resulted in three weeks of total frustration and so many hours on the phone that we used almost all of our minutes. I first purchased one at Best Buy (it wasn't) and after days of not being able to connect to the Internet (Dell even sent a tech out to change the wireless card) I returned it and bought another one on line. Guess what? It also would not connect to our wifi spot. After more phone calls on Monday I finally got someone from Cradlepoint, the router company, who could tell me what needed to be updated. It is unbelievable that the Dell techs could not figure out what the problem was. All that said, this is the first blog entry on the new machine and all seems to be well.