We continue to have a great time here in Mesa getting things crossed off the to do list and making plans for future travel. We had the carpet cleaned and I polished the rig only to have a huge dust storm followed by rain two days later. Oh well, I know keeping Opus clean and shiny is a never ending task. We bought an iPhone so we have better access to the Internet while traveling and have been spending a lot of time just figuring out how the darn thing works. We are hoping that it is possible to teach an old dog new tricks because it can be real convenient. The first change in our travel plans is to not stay in the Southwest for the entire winter. We learned that in February Betty will be inducted into the
Acadian Museum as a Living Legend for her contribution to promoting the Cajun culture. We did not want to miss this much deserved honor so we contacted her and made a reservation for February and March. That means we will also get to celebrate Mardi Gras in Louisiana for the second year in a row. Tough to take be we will give it a try. The other BIG travel plan we made was to book a two week vacation in Hawaii. We are staying in Waikiki for a week and then going to the big island. Once again a tough decision, but we have quite a few air miles and we want to do our part in getting the economy going.

Here are Marcia and Nanc doing the zip line at the Salt River Balloon Glow Spooktacular. We had told Mike we would crew for the glow and Marcia came along one day to also help. She and Nanc talked their way into a free ride from the guys who were setting up the line for the weekend. They both loved it. Marcia missed Saturday because she and Joe where going out to celebrate their anniversary. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!

Crewing turned in to a bigger deal than planned as we ended up helping all four of these balloons. Left to right are Daniel's Morning Wood, a clown, a haunted house and Mike's Morning Star. We had a fun time, but decided that working with the shapes is a pain in the butt.

The glow was a Halloween event and all the balloonists had candy to pass out to the trick or treaters. I won't tell you who the monkey is but his initials are Daniel Liberti. Bottom is the clown envelope before it was inflated and right is Mike firing up the burners. We did work hard but we had a great time helping and tailgating.

For our anniversary we had a great dinner at d-vine, a very good local restaurant. It has been a great 42 years. Life is good!!!!!

After I cleaned Opus we put this decal on the back. We have had it since we were in Louisiana last spring and finally got up enough nerve to put it on the paint. It sure sums things up, "Let the Good Times Roll". Two days later it was streaked with mud from the dust storm and rain.

Here are Sharon and Alan with some of their work that was accepted for the Arizona Pastel Artist Association exhibit in Cottonwood. Their work has progressed a great deal since we were last here in 2009. They have turned their place into a neat studio and taken many workshops and the effort shows. They did not get any of the awards, but just getting paintings into the show is a big deal. We made a day of it exploring the shops and having a great lunch in the Old Town section of Cottonwood.

We got a call from Dan and Merlene Goan, whom we met at Betty's. They were passing through Arizona and we got together for lunch and to share travel tales. They had a great travel year visiting eleven major league ballparks around the country. We hope to see them at Betty's this winter. We have also been meeting many people in the park at happy hour and the dance they had last week. So far we have been busy enough that staying in one place for an extended time has been just fine even though the weather has cooled a great deal. Phoenix had a record low high temperature over the weekend and today the high is to be lower then WashPA. We even saw s**w in the mountains when we went to Cottonwood. We hope this is just a passing event and not the trend for the next two months.