We continue to enjoy our time back in PA and have finally completed all the doctor visits and are almost done with the spring cleaning of the rig. We have had a whirlwind social schedule getting together with friends. We have an appointment to have a couple of things (new slide covers) done at Newmar at the end of the month so we will be heading back to Indiana when we depart PA. We have made reservations, something we don't often do, in the Black Hills of South Dakota for a week in the middle of August so we will have about seven weeks to add Wisconsin, Minnesota and the Dakotas to our map on the way west. After the Black Hills we will be in Gillette, Wyoming for 12 days to attend the Escapade. Following that we have reservations for a week in Cody and a week in Yellowstone (hope we get out before the snow). Our friends Mike and Sherri are going to meet us there so we can tour together. After Yellowstone we have a week to drive 1000 miles to Albuquerque, which is hyper speed for us, for twelve days with the Boomers at the balloon fest. By then it will be time to start looking for a place in Arizona for the winter including a stop in Q for a Class of 07 reunion.

Another Wednesday lunch with the teachers. It was the last day with kids for those still working so a few additional teachers joined the group. Joy is retiring and the shirt says it all. Pictured are Jim, Becky, Peg, Ken, Lena, Sandy, Joy, Bill, Kim, Linda, John & Nanc. We really do love being here and seeing so many friends, but we also really love the flexibility of the life we live.

We went to the All Saints Greek Orthodox Church Festival and had a great time visiting with Pete and Rosemary, eating the great food, listening to the music and watching the kids do traditional dances. They start with the youngsters and then the high schoolers show their stuff. It is great seeing how they are working to preserve their culture.

Father George conducted a tour explaining the significance of the beautiful paintings in the church. We also got a history lesson on how the Greek Orthodox Church differs from the Roman Catholic Church. If you are traveling in Western PA during the festival we recommend you stop in Canonsburg to enjoy a good time with great food. The festival lasts a week and they start preparing for it in January. Among all the wonderfully prepared Greek food we were told they make over 30,000 stuffed grape leaves. Everything that is prepared is excellent and the crowds prove it.

Another dinner out with friends. Top; Nanc, Mike, Judy, Ed, Donna and Jim all loved the food and conversation at Al & Rubens. Bottom the band plays some great jazz and blues. Josh, on the sax, and Dan, on the guitar, are former students and we always make it a point to see them when we are in the area.

We took in a Pirate game at PNC Park with our friends John and Patrice. Top left is the newest statue of Bill Mazeroski celebrating his walk off homer to win the World Series against the Yankees at 3:36 on the afternoon of October 13, 1960. That is a moment that is burned into the brain of every Pirate fan. People still gather along the wall of old Forbes Field that was left standing to replay the broadcast each year. Middle is Hall of Famer Honus Wagner and right the Pirate Parrot. The wall and scoreboard in right field is 21 feet high to honor number 21 the great Roberto Clemente. There are other statues of Clemente and Willie Stargell that I did not get pictures of. We got to see Maz, Willie and Roberto play many times over the years at both Forbes Field and Three Rivers Stadium.

The view of the city from behind home plate. It was a perfect day to take in a game.

The setting sun reflects on the skyline looking from our seats in left field. This is truly one of the most beautiful ball park settings in the country. Of course, we are just a little prejudiced.

Here the Bucs have the bases loaded. They did score a run here and won the game 3 - 1 over the Mets. Here in Pittsburgh they are celebrating because the team's record is over .500 at this point of the season. Remember, we have suffered through 18 loosing seasons, a professional sports record. I don't understand how the idiots who run baseball expect people to support the game when the winners are always those who can afford to buy the championship. "They" say we are a small market team as a explanation but it is the same small market where the Penguins have won THREE of Lord Stanley's Cups and the Steelers have won SIX Super Bowls since 1974. Go figure.