Tom and Georgie flew to Phoenix to deliver mail, visit, relax and escape the Pennsylvania winter weather. They arrived on Thursday to sunny skies and temps in the 70's. Unfortunately, the forecast of extended sun proved to be wrong as we had two days of off and on rain and temps in the 60's and it was even 55 one day. We awoke on Tuesday, their last day, to see snow on the distant mountains where there had been none all month. All that said, we had a great visit and enjoyed the time together. We went to two of our favorite places near here, the Boyce Thompson Arboretum and Taliesin West. (You can see the earlier post about these places
here.) The day we went to Boyce Thompson was sunny and warm and we all enjoyed the spring desert landscape. We had visited Fallingwater, another Wright building, together during a major renovation a few years ago and have always been big fans of this work. We ate at several different places, including Filly's, a local cowboy bar that has good food and a live band. Another day we got together with Linda Rocks whom Tom, Georgie and I taught with in Washington. We went to Scottsdale to do a little gallery hopping and window shopping. We played euchre three evenings and I am glad to report that the guys kicked butt all three times:) Even though the weather was not great by Arizona standards, it was still MUCH better then what they are having in WashPA and we did not let it stand in the way of having a grand time together.

Scenes from the Boyce Thompson Arboretum.

Taliesin West - The spiral pictograph found at Taliesin became the logo. Wright interpreted it as being hands clasped in fellowship. The tower, designed by Wright, was built in Scottsdale during this century making him the only architect to have a design built in three centuries. Every time you visit a place you learn something new.

We toured the Old Adobe Mission in Scottsdale. It was built in 1933 and is being restored.

Even with the great cards Nanc has in her hand the guys still prevailed. Unfortunately, she never got to play this hand.

The happy retirees enjoyed an evening catching up.

If there is no rain there will be no rainbows. We were rewarded with a classic full rainbow that deposited the pot-o-gold near the rig.

The happy travelers in long sleeves with winter coats in hand preparing to fly back to the snow. As we always say getting to spend extended time with friends and family is the best thing about the fulltime lifestyle.